Power Tools

        There is always a debate over the best medium for shamanic tools. Is deer or elk better for a drumhead? Are plastic beads just as good as glass? The answer to these questions can only be a personal one. If it feels right to you then use it; after all, they're your tools.

        I tend toward more traditional materials, but brain-tanning a hide can be a real chore so I do that only rarely. As far as hot glue guns go, if ancient people had them then every artifact in the museum would be held together by it. The primary rule when making tools has always been to use what you can get. If for whatever reason you want an elk skin bag, but you cant find (or afford) elk then go with cowhide and decorate it with images of elk or hang elk teeth from it (for that matter there's nothing wrong with canvas). Where drums are concerned I like my elk-hide drum, but those that use mylar don't have to deal with the problems of humidity. A pill bottle with BB's in it works the same as a $100.00 carved jaguar rattle the only real difference is the way we look at them.
        Over the years I've made many items for people and my primary goal has been to make them durable. I see no point in making a bag if its only going to last for a year or so. Strive to make tools last and most importantly take good care of them. A well respected rattle will honor you for life.

        If you choose to buy your tools instead of making them then check the quality out well. I've seen a lot of rattles and drums that look nice but wouldn't last through even one use. Check things out before you buy, scrutinize it closely and turn it down if it doesn't measure up. If you're ordering it, make sure its being made by a person not a machine. We develop a relationship with the tools we use and losing a favored rattle to poor workmanship is like loosing a close friend.

        If you've got questions about making your tools I would be more than happy to help, just email me.

by Tache