My Host | About Tache | Shamanism | Zoophilia | Misc | Links |
I am Tache and this is my page. Life is full of choices, and the decisions we make are reflected as changes in our perceptions of the universe, as such, this page will grow and change as time progresses. This page will have several focuses from shamanism to zoophilia as well as others. I will endeavor to present my topics and opinions in an educated manner. If you would like to write an article or express your thoughts about the topics on this page, feel free to email me about them.
I can be contacted at [email protected]. My idea of e-mail is one of an open door policy; questions, comments, flames, etc are all welcome(Please no spam). I happen to like email and yours will help me in developing this page further (feedback is wonderful). For those persons unfamiliar with any of the topics I will attempt to give a short synopsis of each in the paragraphs that follow.
About Tache
Brandy's slideshow Pictures of Brandy! (3)
Evolution of my innocence Ignorance in society
Mix-up at the hospital A humorous misunderstanding at the hospital
Talking to stones A perspective on speaking to nature.
What is shamanism? An intro to shamanism.
The wheel Easing the tension between christians and others.
Old Drums A poem by Linda Crane
Culture theft The wanton desecration of native practices.
Power tools The tools we use.
The diddly-squat of ancestry How little ancestry really means.
What it means to be a zoo What I feel zoophilia is.
Bestiality laws Discussing the validity of these laws.
A long road Thanks to those who helped along the way.
All the zoos Never feel alone again.
Why be a zoo? Explaining my zooness.
On the issue of gender Lady zoos.
New zoos A tiny bit of help for new zoophiles.
Cartoon A "zooish" cartoon.
Retort My response to the HSUS and others.
Tearing me down My response to the removal of my page.
Tache's LAN A quick description of my LAN and the machines on it.
Of Weirdos and Eccentrics The difference between the two.
Remailers How to get started using remailers.
Clarence A spider who moved in and stayed a while.
Linux apps A list of some linux programs.
Links(Click on the image)
Links represented with are linux/computer
Links represented with are zoo/zoo friendly
Sleepy's (Sadly, Sleepy is no longer hosting zoopages. However, she does
still have a very nice page)
Once again, thanks to Canine and Anaximander for getting this page out of my head and onto your screen.
Being the malicious person that I am, I only put this here to make truly curious people strain their eyes trying to read it. Now that you have, don't you feel silly for wasting your time?